Setup with already existant lang tag

Moved from Github issue #10

We had an instance with ‘fr’ and ‘en’ tags already created before this plugin setup.

When we setup this module, we enter in a complex situation with this module. Some menu related to multilingual module was completely broken.

We had to reset it with this process.

Disable the module

Clear the redis cache

for a in $(redis-cli --raw keys "default:_CACHE:discourse-multilingual_*"); do redis-cli del "$a"; done

In psql

DELETE FROM tag_groups;
DELETE FROM tag_group_memberships;
DELETE FROM tag_group_permissions;
DELETE FROM tags WHERE topic_count=0;
INSERT INTO tag_groups VALUES(4, 'content_languages','2021-01-07 18:27:10.591705','2021-01-07 18:27:10.591705', null,false);
INSERT INTO tag_groups VALUES(5, 'content_languages_disabled','2021-01-07 18:27:10.591705','2021-01-07 18:27:10.591705', null,false);
INSERT INTO tag_group_permissions VALUES(16, 4,3,3,'2021-01-07 18:27:10.591705','2021-01-07 18:27:10.591705');
INSERT INTO tag_group_permissions VALUES(17, 5,3,3,'2021-01-07 18:27:10.591705','2021-01-07 18:27:10.591705');