Pull URL from Topic selection field

Curious if there’s a good way of doing this: I have a Topic selection field in a wizard for the purpose of selecting a previous submission to our forum and want to pull out the URL from the Topic selection in the post builder for the purposes of linking back to another forum topic. Currently when citing the action, a json appears rather than a URL to the topic:

[{“id”=>39040, “title”=>“Resolution Pre-Amendment”, “fancy_title”=>“Resolution Pre-Amendment”, “url”=>“/t/resolution-pre-amendment/39040”}]

If it’s more helpful to illustrate this, the form is for my organization’s Bi-annual Convention, Resolutions are submitted to be discussed and debated, we’re hosting these resolutions on our internal forum for the first time this year for the purpose of trying to centralize things. We allow members to make amendments to those resolutions which are submitted from another form, and I would like those linked to the previous Resolution for ease of navigating.

Hey Colin, thanks for the detailed report. Yes it’s possible to just insert the URL using the post builder. Please see the Field Interpolation topic, in particular this example:

If you need further help, please follow up there.