I've just discovered and installed the plugin as I have a

I've just discovered and installed the plugin as I have a perfect use case for it in one of our sub-categories ('Places to Go'). I've retrospectively gone back over about 20 topics and added a geo-location with the plug-in. It's working fine with the mini-map but when I view the category map I only see six pins.

I'm running Discourse 3.4.0.beta4-dev ( d1b3b85584 ) and I'm using the default provider (nominatim).

I haven't found anything to point me in the right direction in this topic yet but I may have missied something - it's quite long. Could it be related to the number of requests being sent to nominatim? I'm still getting to grips with the way the plug-in works and continuing to try and figure it out in the meantime. I plan to look at the benefits of other, paid, providers and whatever else I can think of to tease out some hints or an actual solution.

Thanks for any advice and thanks for sterling work maintaining the Locations plug-in, @merefield.

Oh, and Happy New Year (just under an hour away here) :slight_smile:

Are you seeing six individual markers or six clusters?

Check the plugin settings near the bottom at /admin/site_settings/category/plugins?filter=plugin%3Adiscourse-locations

Marker clustering is enabled, if that's what you meant. This is what it looks like by default. It all works as it should, except I can't get it to display more than 6 markers

Screenshot 2025-01-01 at 02.09.12