👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Groups Widget

:eyeglasses: Overview

The Layouts Groups Widget each user to see what groups they are in. See the installation guide to learn how to install and administer this widget.

:gear: Settings

There are a couple settings that you can configure to customize how the groups widget appears in the layout.

Show Header

Toggle this setting to show/hide the title header in the widget.

Hidden Groups

Select which groups should be hidden from the widget.


The widget comes with some pre-installed theme styles. Select from the options in the dropdown to configure a unique style for the widget.

This works just like I expected it to! Thanks so much!

The themes are a really nice touch! Can we add our own themes or just customize the plugin in general?

Hey @Justin_Vega,

Yes, on your own instance feel free to customize the appearance by adding any CSS to your main theme or creating a theme component that targets the classes used on the widget. If doing this, I’d recommend setting the theme setting: style to normal first.

If you’d like to create a theme that’s available to all, feel free to submit a PR to the theme component. What you’ll need is to:

  1. Add your theme as an option in the setting here.
  2. Create a file in /scss/themes with the name of your theme.
  3. Add the conditional around your styles (see other themes for examples)
@if $style == 'yourThemeName' {
   // Insert your custom theme styles

  1. Import your theme in /common/common.scss/

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