Discourse Version: 2.9.0.beta11
Plugin Commit: Layout Event List Widget: 1.0.0
Steps to Reproduce
I installed the Event List Widget, set it up on the sidebar using the Layouts plugin, and have been adding events using the Calendar plugin just like in the instructions. Everything seems to work fine except that past events remain visible in the widget. The widget is configured to only show 3 events. Right now, the three being shown include two in the past. An event I just added for two weeks into the future doesn’t appear because these past events are taking up the space. I know I can archive the old posts, but it seems like that shouldn’t be necessary considering the default title of the widget is “Upcoming Events”.
I hope this is an easy fix. And thank you for a great widget!
It’s a private community. I cannot provide a link publicly, but you could contact me privately and we can arrange to give you temporary access.
Screenshot showing past events. Today’s date is Nov 2, 2022.