Discourse Version: v3.4.0.beta2 +282
Plugin Commit: 4e4a9c75
Steps to Reproduce
Upload photo in first step, progress to second step, then cannot proceed, see console error.
Private, but Angus may be able to see it
uploads.js:406 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘addEventListener’)
at L (uploads.js:406:11)
at x.setup (composer-upload.js:144:35)
at d._composerEditorInit (composer-editor.js:250:31)
at m (index.js:200:1)
at d.trigger (evented.js:27:1)
at d._trigger (core_view.js:52:1)
at d.r (index.js:361:1)
at d._trigger (ember-events.js:143:28)
at d.r (index.js:361:1)
at ze.didCreate (index.js:2102:1)
at jt.commit (runtime.js:3965:1)
at Mt.commit (runtime.js:4062:1)
at Nt (runtime.js:4082:1)
at gr._renderRoots (index.js:4916:1)
at gr._renderRootsTransaction (index.js:4960:1)
at gr._renderRoot (index.js:4905:1)
at gr._appendDefinition (index.js:4830:1)
at gr.appendOutletView (index.js:4820:1)
at invoke (backburner.js.js:282:1)
at d.flush (backburner.js.js:197:1)
at p.flush (backburner.js.js:358:1)
at B._end (backburner.js.js:798:1)
at B.end (backburner.js.js:589:1)
at B._run (backburner.js.js:842:1)
at B.run (backburner.js.js:624:1)
at index.js:75:1
at t.success (ajax.js:127:7)
at l (jquery.js:3223:31)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:3353:7)
at T (jquery.js:9627:14)
at XMLHttpRequest. (jquery.js:9888:9)